Friday 20 May 2022 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in National, Outer Islands
Pukapuka’s Apii Niua school staff 2022. Front Row from left: Tiara Mataora, Principal - Poti Maeva, Pokerea Yeutu, Toakarawa Kabuta. Seated Middle Row from Left: Tereni Dariu, Deputy Principal - Karanga Taoroba, Nancy Rikini. Standing Back Row from Left: Linda Mataora, Pira Topetai, Elaine Ravarua, Wetu William, Terira Taunga, Mina Mataio, Taute Nimeti, Aopapaa Ngarupe, Anna Piira. Picture: NANE MAEVA/22051906
The teachers of Apii Niua school on Pukapuka are moving to funky beats in Zumba classes designed to help lead healthier and fitter lifestyles.
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