Thursday 7 October 2021 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in National, Outer Islands
Members of the Aitutaki Peoples Association Inc. committee. From left: Ruru Tauta, Kairangi Thomson, Papa Vaopaaki Tearetoa, Davina Hosking-Ashford and Avele Simona with the $32,400 cheque. 21100614.
The Aitutaki community on Rarotonga had decided at a meeting that the money raised would be distributed this way, said secretary Davina Hosking-Ashford
A total of $33,542.40 was raised during the successful radiothon and food gala day that was held on September 10, organised by Rarotonga’s Aitutaki community, with the support of local businesses and residents.
Less the expenses of $873.40, a total of $32,400 will be divided equally for the villages of: Amuri, Ureia, Arutanga, Reu Reu, Nikaupara, Tautu, Vaipae and Vaipeka .
The radiothon that was held on the same day collected $9570, raffles $9755, donations $4855.90, food sales $8361.50 and the spinning wheel $1000.
Members of the committee Ruru Tauta, Avele Simona and Kairangi Thomson will fly out to Aitutaki tomorrow where they will present the donations. The trio will be received by Aitutaki mayor Tekura Bishop.
Tauta, a popular musician and entertainer, is a staunch Aitutakian. “I was born and grew up on the island raised by my dear grandmother Mama Moe,” he proudly says.
He has composed song for the Bi-Centennial that was performed at Te Maeva Nui celebrations at the National Auditorium by the Aitutaki group, held in July/August.
“This is such a special historical time for us, we are blessed to be here to witness this event,” said Tauta.
On behalf of the association, the committee would like to thank everyone who took part in the fundraiser and to all the businesses who helped out.
“To the Ariki tokoa o Aitutaki, te Aronga Mana, te Ekalesia e te akonoanga tukeke and the people of Aitutaki, from our hearts we thank you all,” said Tauta.
The Aitutaki Peoples Association Inc committee are: Patron Henderson and Vaopaaki Tearetoa (Mr T), chairperson Avele Simona, assistant chairperson Ruru Tauta, secretary Davina Hosking-Ashford, assistant secretary Mona Ioane, treasurer Kairangi Thomson, assistant treasurer John Tini Jr.