Tuesday 31 August 2021 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in National, Outer Islands
Group Functional Fitness sessions with the Aitutaki FuncFit gym crew. SUPPLIED/21083003.
After weeks and months of preparation and training, the Aitutaki Liftoff – a strength, endurance and functional fitness festival that was due to take place on Friday, August 20 – has been postponed to September 11.
Observing the Alert Level 2 restrictions that started on August 16, just days before the event was set to go, organiser of the event Dani Adendorff was forced to make a tough decision.
“It was decided that it would be in the best interests of the participants and for the general health and safety of the local community to postpone the event until September and follow the advice of the governing authorities,” Adendorff said.
Although programmes and schedules had to be rearranged, Adendorff continues on with an enthusiastic approach and fingers crossed that the event will get the greenlight to go ahead in about a fortnight’s time.
“We are looking at the postponement as a ‘blessing in disguise’ and an opportunity to build even more momentum for the event and possibly have more participants enter and participate.
“Of course it was a major disappointment to have to postpone two days out from the event; we literally just had our event briefing on the Thursday afternoon, the competitors were excited and ready and had just received their competitor packs, and right after that, we got word of the extended lock down.
“But looking back now, we know we have made the right decision.”
The contestants on the islands remain committed and Adendorff says the weekly ‘Event Specific’ training sessions for the Aitutaki local community which will help the contestants prepare for the team events are well attended.
Participants prepare for the Aitutaki Liftoff event. SUPPLIED/21083004
“Every Monday and Wednesday we are getting them out in the hills, on the beaches, flipping tyres, carrying sandbags and pulling cars. Its great fun. After all, our motto for the event is ‘Move with Mates’.”
More than 10 teams from both Rarotonga and Aitutaki have registered for the Aitutaki Liftoff event.
With the closure of the domestic borders, a large number of participants and spectators from Rarotonga would have been unable to attend, said Adendorff.
Government yesterday reinstated sea and air travel both to and from Rarotonga to Pa Enua, with the introduction of health screening on departure.
Adendorff said the event promotes health and fitness in the Aitutaki community and also aims to foster a relationship with fellow fitness communities in Rarotonga and beyond.
“Hence we felt it was important to wait until our domestic borders opened up again.”
The individual weightlifting event is now scheduled to take place on Friday, September 10 at the Aitutaki Fishing Club. This is a community event with food and drinks for sale.
On Saturday, September 11 at 9am the teams’ event will commence and wrap up at 2pm. The prizegiving awards will be held at the Fishing Club at 7pm the same evening.
Adendorff is hopeful the domestic borders will remain open. She feels that the Aitutaki Liftoff event will be a huge morale booster for their local community who have also been hit hard by the border closure.
The organisers would like to encourage the people of Aitutaki to mark the dates on their calendar and to go along to watch, cheer and support the Liftoff fitness experience.
“Sponsors Cook Islands Tourism, Vodafone, Prime Foods, StoneFish and the Cook Islands Weightlifting Federation have also been incredibly supportive of our decision to postpone,” Adendorff added.