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Nga Pu Toru and Mangaia contribute to Aitutaki’s Bi-Centennial

Wednesday 20 October 2021 | Written by Supplied | Published in Local, National


Nga Pu Toru and Mangaia contribute to Aitutaki’s Bi-Centennial
Mangaia Enua representatives with part of the food produce on its way to Aitutaki. 21101906.

More pellets of frozen and dry goods will make its way to Aitutaki this week thanks to the shipping freight provided by Matson Shipping Limited.

The supplies include about 200 cartons of chickens, sacks of onions. potatoes, trays of Best Foods, flour, sugar, noodles and pails of cream crackers.

Secretary of Rarotonga’s Atiu community Nga Teao-Papatua says, “we are so thankful for Matson’s generous sponsorship that has enabled us the islands of Nga-Pu-Toru (Mitiaro, Mauke and Atiu) and Mangaia, to contribute to the Aitutaki celebrations.

“And a warm thank you to our islands for coming together for our donation.”

The six pellets of dry and frozen goods were delivered to Avatiu harbour yesterday (Tuesday), and the cargo is scheduled to arrive in Aitutaki on Thursday, said Teao-Papatua.

President of the House of Ariki Tou Travel Ariki, Tetava Maara Ariki and representatives from the four islands were present at the Atiu Hostel yesterday afternoon to mark the occasion.

Matson Shipping Ltd manager Maru Apera expressed that the company recognised its Aitutaki consumers and as a gesture to the island, they wanted to provide shipping for products towards the historic event.

President of the House of Ariki Tou Travel Ariki, Tetava Maara Ariki and Island representatives gathered at the Atiu hostel for the presentation of their food supplies to Aitutaki. 21101905