Saturday 29 January 2022 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Entertainment, National
Tourists stroll through the Punanga Nui Market on a Saturday morning in 2022 . MELINA ETCHES/22011602
The PNM team appreciates both the public’s compliance and the vendors’ understanding and cooperation with last week’s market closure due to the weather situation.
This week the market will be back to business as usual under Covid-19 pandemic conditions. Proof of vaccination is not a condition of entry, but all market users are required to comply with the following public health regulations:
Upon arrival at the market, all vendors, customers, and visitors must tag-in with their CookSafe cards at one of the three PNM tag-in stations, which can be found at: the front entrance; next to the Maroro Hut by the western side entrance; and in front of the PNM office by the BSP bank ATM.
Tagging in before entering the market area is compulsory and manual tag-in forms will be provided for those who don’t have a CookSafe QR card.
While not compulsory to be worn at all times, all visitors to the market must have a face mask with them to be worn when in close proximity with others. Everyone within the market area should keep a distance of one metre between themselves and others whenever possible and where this is not practical a face mask covering the mouth and nose should be worn. It is mandatory for all vendors to wear a face mask when serving customers.
In a statement, the market management said: “All market users should practise good hand hygiene, including regularly washing hands and using hand sanitiser before and after handling food or objects. Take care when coughing and sneezing to do so into your elbow.”
“If you are feeling unwell, please don’t come to the market – stay home and get tested.”
In addition to these public health regulations, the market management encourage all vendors to apply capacity limits and to suggest to their customers that they leave the market area once they have purchased their food or other items. This will help reduce congestion and make social distancing easier.
Those vendors with seated dine-in areas should also ensure that their seating is arranged so as to maintain the minimum one-metre social distancing requirements.
Vehicle access to the market for both vendors and customers will be through a single one-way only entrance located next to the Avatiu Bridge, with all vehicles required to exit via the Taua Terevete area at Constitution Park. Parking will be available as usual at the back of the market along the riverside and in the Taua Terevete area.
The walkthrough across the Avatiu Shortcut Bridge behind the market will be closed off, as well as the four pedestrian entrance archways on the main road across from the Ruatonga meeting house.
The Constitution Park entrance will also be closed to the general public and is for exiting traffic only.
If you have any questions about any of these regulations and restrictions, please don’t hesitate to ring the PNM office on 28370.
“We would also like to inform our vendors at this time that the market rent-free period is currently extended to February 22, in line with the Government’s continuing efforts to support our local economy.”