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Prefects – a voice for all students

Wednesday 2 March 2022 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Education, National


Prefects – a voice for all students
Anau Te Kou Tereora College 2022 student leaders. Back left - Head Boy Abel Matoka and Heinarii Law Tauira (second from left, standing). PHOTO: CI NEWS/22030105

For the first time, the Tereora College ‘Student Leaders Investiture’ was held without the huge presence of the school students, families, friends and the towers of abundant of scented ei that usually adorn the prefects.

The 2022 Head Boy Abel Matoka in his student leaders presentation said, “I know this year will be a strong and successful year for anau Te Kou and the school.”

Matoka’s personal values are respect - firstly respect for himself before showing others, Integrity - doing the right thing and Accountability - owning up to your actions.

He intends “to lead by the best of example and to show the school especially the Year 9 students our values of excellence - excellence in classes, sports, culture, high achievement or being excellent at anything you set your mind to.

“To demonstrate pride by always wearing the correct uniform in school and to encourage others to as well, in particular the senior boys.

“And of course Respect which is my greatest value, students need to see me showing respect to my teachers and the community.”

Matoka expressed his appreciation for everyone who have played significant roles in his life and says “I want to be the best version of myself, and this year my ultimate goal is to leave a footstep for others to follow, to take up the courage not only to lead but to never forget where I came from…”

Public speaking is a challenge that he intends to overcome and he  is thankful for those who “see the potential in me…”

This made him realize that, “People see more in you than you see yourself.”

Matako’s vision is to ensure that everyone stays connected and has plans to play to his strengths; with Covid and potential complications  that may come about during the year, he plans to reach out to all students who become affected and to listen the voices of the students to hear what they think and want.

“I want to be a voice for all students, and not just my friends.

“I will steer the Vaka Tereora… Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders to come,” he said.

Heinarii Law Tauira from anau Te Kou says, “I feel honored to have been elected as one of the anau Leaders to take on upcoming challenges and to lead by example in helping my school.

“Being the first member in my family to become a leader is truly a historic milestone, and I’m ready and prepared to lead with a purpose.

“I want my actions to inspire others to dream more, to learn more and become more to better themselves academically for the future,” said Tauira.

The Tereora college 2022 prefects are: Head Girl Sarah       Napa - Ikurangi, Head Boy - Abel Matoka -Te Kou, Deputy Head Girl - Akevai Purua - Te Kou, Deputy Head Boy - Daniel Tolosa - Maungaroa, Asia Areora - Ikurangi, Tiare Henry-Anguna - Ikurangi, Temarii Koroa - Ikurangi, Itirangi Pennycook - Ikurangi            , Tearuru-O-Te-Rangi Raita - Ikurangi, Megan Browne - Maungaroa          , Akenanua Moo - Maungaroa, Kimiora   Pokino - Maungaroa, Estelle Short - Maungaroa, Miera Tapaitau - Maungaroa, Rosaline Antonia - Te Kou, Heinarii Law Tauira - Te Kou, Vannes Sendito - Te Kou, Apai Tarapu - Te Kou            , Terry Akava - Te Manga, Sidney Fimone - Te Manga, Tereapii Kura - Te Manga, Nicole Mateariki - Te Manga, Nicol         Tiaore - Te Manga, Nathaniel Tumupu - Te Manga.

The Tereora leaders investiture was held last Friday inside the Princess Anne Hall with limited attendance.

Yesterday the school reopened for classes (after being closed on Monday) after the results of the mass testing carried out on Sunday found that there was no evidence of active community transmission.