Saturday 12 February 2022 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Education, National
Mangaia School students practise the wearing of masks. PHOTO: ANASEINI POKINO/22021121
With the exception of Aitutaki’s Araura College and primary schools, all other schools in the Pa Enua (and Rarotonga) started their first term back in the classrooms on Monday this week.
The delay of the opening for Aitutaki schools was to allow eligible five to 11 year olds to receive their first dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. Aitutaki students started their first term of the 2022 academic year on Thursday.
Principal of Araura College, Gaylyn Lockington says since school started on Thursday, there wasn’t a 100 per cent attendance from students.
Despite that, the college got off on a good start and welcomed seven new students.
“It was such a lovely feeling to see the beautiful smiling faces of our children and hear their beautiful singing to start the day and year off,” says Lockington.
“We are looking forward to an awesome year regardless of what is happening around the world. We are a resilient team and ready to ‘ride the waves’ that 2022 will bring with it. E ara e kimi.”
In preparation for 2022, Mangaia School has a positive outlook and is making headways to ensuring safety remains a priority.
School principal Michael Papatua says: “We see students arming up with safety masks and sanitation practices – a must for our students, and the prevention and procedures we are putting in place against Covid-19 is our utmost priority.”
The teacher only days have been primarily focused on establishing a system that supports a positive loving environment while at the same time aligning with the Ministry of Health guidelines and framework.
Students have been eager to start school, says Papatua.
“I couldn’t wait to come to school, so I don’t have to keep going inland and plant more taro,” says a Year 11 student.
For the next two weeks, new sanitation and hygiene etiquette will be closely monitored in the classrooms.
Although, their roll number has declined to 137 students, Papatua is confident and anticipates another great year of learning at Mangaia School.
“We have a positive attitude and want to keep persevering and reaching greater heights in these unprecedented times,” says Papatua.
The Tematangarengare School on the island of Mitiaro has a roll number of 39 children from Early Childhood Education (ECE) to Year 10 in four classrooms (ECE, Grade 1-3, Grades 4 - 6, Form 1 - 4). This year’s roll number is slightly higher than last year’s number of 34.
Principal Christopher Story says classroom activities have started back as usual and the students are happy to be back at school.
Tematangarengare School currently has an ECE training teacher and two inclusive education teachers.
The northern island of Penrhyn has started the year with a roll number of 70 students – Omoka School has 54 students registered and Tetautua 16.
Between the two schools, there are 10 staff (seven teachers and teacher aides), a secretary and a groundsman for each of the schools.
Principal Apii Napa expressed that the students were happy to be back at school and are looking forward to the rest of the year.
On Manihiki, Apii Ruamanu has 42 students and Apii Tukao 24. Principal of the schools, Anna Rauru said they had a combined shared picnic lunch yesterday and village elder Papa Vaianu Napara was guest speaker at one of the Maori classes this week.
Niua School on the island of Pukapuka closed early at midday on the first day of school due to a power cut on the island.
The new principal of Niua School Poti Maeva and his family arrived to the island last month.
After traditional activities on the island in the past few weeks, a school picnic was also planned yesterday to celebrate the beginning of the first term.
The new Te Marae Ora Ministerial Order that was issued on January 25 states that “masks” are not compulsory for students at school, however, it is compulsory for anyone 18 years and older (including teachers, parents and visitors) to wear masks on school grounds. However teachers will not be required to wear masks while they teach.
Masks are compulsory to wear on buses and visitors to schools must first sign in at the main office wearing their masks and that no one is permitted to go directly to the classroom.