Friday 4 February 2022 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Education, National
Principle of Araura college Gaylyn Lockington and students pictured in 2021. PHOTO: SUPPLIED/22020302
Preschools, early childhood education facilities, primary schools and secondary schools on Aitutaki will remain closed from Monday to Wednesday as indicated in Te Marae Ora Ministerial Order that was issued on January 25.
The vaccine rollout for 5 to 11 year olds on the island will take place on Monday and Tuesday.
Araura College principal Gaylyn Lockington said the Ministerial Order applies to their school since 10 and 11-year-olds attend the college as Year 7 and 8 students, respectively.
Lockington said: “School will commence on Thursday 10th at 8am and all students must be in full uniform.”
“And those parents whose children catch the bus to and from school, please ensure your children have masks – as they are required to wear a mask while on the bus (TMO measures).”
Lockington would also like to remind everyone visiting the school that they “must first sign in at the office wearing their masks,” and that no one is permitted to go directly to the classroom.
“This includes parents dropping in to see their children.”
Visitors are also asked to not drive their vehicles into the school grounds; drive to the main office entrance along Aratea way, park and walk through the gates directly to the main office.
Masks are not compulsory for students at school. However, it is compulsory for anyone 18 years and older (including teachers, parents and visitors) to wear masks on school grounds.
Earlier this week Te Marae Ora clarified that teachers will not be required to wear masks while they teach.
Schools on Rarotonga and the rest of the Pa Enua will open their schools on Monday.