Tuesday 21 December 2021 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Economy, National
Captain Max Cumming onboard the Sea Eagle II – the world’s largest aluminium yacht – as she sailed by Rarotonga last Friday morning. SUPPLIED/21122033.
The sail by was also an opportunity for the Captain Max Cumming, who lives on Rarotonga with his wife Ra Tangaroa, to stop by briefly at Avarua harbour to say “Kia Orana”.
“Rarotonga was pretty well on our route so we decided to pop in and say Merry Christmas to my vaine Ra, and our many friends,” Cumming said.
“The crew had to tie my ‘vaevae’ (legs) to a mast to stop me swimming in,” he joked.
“How does that song go? ‘So close, so close and yet so far…’”
At Trader Jacks that morning his wife Ra and friends Neil Dearlove, Lysia Stringer, Paul Mangakahia, Jolene Bosanquet, Michelle Reeves could only watch the yacht from afar.
“It was emotional seeing him through the binoculars and on video call and him not being able to land. Unfortunately, this is our new world,” Ra said.
“But having friends and family around me at this time makes things a bit easier and he’ll be home next month.”
She has been aboard Sea Eagle II, and other yachts her husband has captained – Athena, Cloud Break. “They are all magnificent in their own ways, in their designs, etc.”
Ra has also sailed on Trans-Atlantic crossings and worked onboard the Athena and Cloud Break.
“I’m super lucky to have joined Max aboard the yachts he has sailed to many countries over the past 10 years.
“He’s an experienced, passionate, and highly skilled captain.
“We often wish we could encourage more of our young Cook Islands people to experience a yachting career such,” she said, and also noted local seafarer Joshua Mangakahia who has advanced in his yachting career under Max’s mentoring and support.
The Sea Eagle II was built in Holland two years ago and sailed to New Zealand via Spain, Caribbean, Panama, Galápagos and Tahiti.
This short six-week trip began from Northland, NZ to Tahiti and by Rarotonga on its way to New Zealand
“We hope to be in Bay of Islands in five days – she’s fast,” said Cumming on Friday evening.
Her three masts are 62m – the maximum that can go under Panama Canal Bridge at low tide.
Cumming is looking forward to getting back to Rarotonga in January, and to the maritime border opening when it’s safe to do so. “I’m very proud of the effort the Cook Islands has made to stay safe so far,” he said.