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Taking exception to misguided opinion

Saturday 5 January 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor


Dear Editor, I must take exception to the misguided opinion by smoke signaler ‘Fly in experts’ on January 3 unless you can explain which part of our cultural sensitivity has to do with, engineering, logistics, project design and finance when you are spending someone else’s aid money? Especially when on the opposite page our auditor reports – $45,000 unaccounted for in constituency fund; only one school provided audited statements from the eight schools requested; CIIC did not return $ 79,000 of unspent funds; MFEM over funded the environment fund by $62,000 etc, and we still cannot balance the country’s books from 2009.

Dear Editor, I must take exception to the misguided opinion by smoke signaler ‘Fly in experts’ on January 3 unless you can explain which part of our cultural sensitivity has to do with, engineering, logistics, project design and finance when you are spending someone else’s aid money? Especially when on the opposite page our auditor reports – $45,000 unaccounted for in constituency fund; only one school provided audited statements from the eight schools requested; CIIC did not return $ 79,000 of unspent funds; MFEM over funded the environment fund by $62,000 etc, and we still cannot balance the country’s books from 2009.

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