Tuesday 4 June 2024 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Sports, Tennis
Tennis Cook Islands wrapped up their first international tournament on Saturday, May 25, attended by tennis players from Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia. TCI/24052901
Over 760 registrations were received and spread across various categories of singles, doubles, and mixed doubles matches, showcasing talent and sportsmanship.
“This was a really good tournament with most if not all players indicating that they will be coming back next year,” said Jason Pierre, tournament director, executive member of Tennis Cook Islands, and Next Shipment owner.
“We already have entries from other clubs for next year,” he added.
Around 30 players from Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia participated in the event that was held at the tennis courts in Nikao.
The final results are as follows.
Men’s Singles winner - Hererahi Teinakirahi, Runner Up Jason Pierre; Men’s Doubles Winner - Russell Thomas and Joseph Hayes, Runners Up - Luke Pierre and Hererahi Teinakirahi.
Mixed Doubles winner - Tania Martin and Russell Thomas, Runners Up - Quina Te Rupe and Joseph Hayes.
Women's Singles winner - Tania Martin, Runner Up - Raetea Rongo; Women’s Doubles winner - Tania Martin and Margaret Young, Runners Up - Quina Te Rupe and Tsunar Brown.