Wednesday 1 May 2024 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Sports, Swimming
Swimmers are grinners after the backstroke event in the Cook Islands Aquatic Federation’s (CIAF) Kau Competition for schools at Vaiana’s in Nikao. MELINA ETCHES/24043005
One of the schools was a team from several schools on Aitutaki who are participating in the event for the first time.
Against all odds with only two weeks of training, the Aitutaki swimming team challenged expectations, bringing home a collection of well-deserved medals.
Aitutaki coach Dani Adendorff said they were invited to join the competition a couple of weeks ago by the Cook Islands Aquatic Federation development officers Leslie and Kieran Chan.
“We called out to the Oe Vaka youth paddlers in Aitutaki and put them into 10 sessions of swimming training in two weeks,” Adendorff said.
During the first week of training, the children learned freestyle. Backstroke was introduced in the second week, followed by breaststroke last week.
Carol Davey and Rua Ruamoana are also accompanying the Aitutaki team as chaperones.
Adendorff’s daughter Maina Smith, a grade two student, will be the only competitor from Aitutaki competing today in the Years 1 – 4 events starting from 8am at Vaiana’s beach in Nikao.
The Aitutaki swimming sensations are Maina Smith - Araura Primary Grade 2, Kaitiana Meti - Araura College Gr 8, Noovai Faatahe - Araura College Gr 7, Purotu Teinangaro - Vaitau Gr 5, Princess Davey - Araura Primary Gr 6, Teraipo Ngaoire - Araura College Gr 7, Mano Mahitu - Vaitau Gr 6, Potii Faatahe - Vaitau Gr 5, Obeda Mataiti - SDA Gr 6, Anacaleto Leone - Araura Collage Gr 7, Filipo Fa’aoso - Vaitau Gr 5, Dawson Ruamoana - Vaitau
Today, Apii Nikao, Arorangi, Te Uki Ou, Rutaki, and Takitumu’s Years 1 – 4 will be participating in 12.5 metre freestyle (years 1 and 2); 25m freestyle (years 3 and 4); 12.5m backstroke (years 1 and 2); 25m backstroke (years 3 and 4) and relay races.