Monday 25 October 2021 | Written by Supplied | Published in Football, Sports
Tupapa’s Kuramaeva Tare gains control of the ball. 21102405
Nikao started hungry for a goal, with constant attacking and being given many chances but the Tupapa side had them cornered on field in their bid to gain possession of the ball.
Nikao made several attempts for goal but couldn’t seem to break through Tupapa’s brick wall defense who kept Nikao players at the bay.
Nikao’s Jack Poiri had a good opportunity in the first 20 minutes of the game, but striker Alphy Ngire was not up to it as Tupapa defender John Noovao denied the chance that was created.
Gaining a corner kick in the final minutes of the first half, Anthony Samuela used this opportunity to reach the net, sending the ball towards Peni Titiona who scored the opener through a header to lead 1-0.
Multiple attempts were made by the Nikao side to even out the playing fields but a tough Tupapa team stood strong to win the match 1-0.
At Titikaveka field, Avatiu gave Titikaveka a good run but fell one short from a victory, ending their match at 4-3 to Titikaveka. On Friday, Puaikura’s last minute goal handed them a 1-0 win over Matavera.
In the Islander women’s division, Tupapa Maraerenga made an explosive start against Nikao after scoring two quick goals from corner kicks distributed by veteran Elizabeth Harmon which were headed into the back of the net by striker Kuramaeva Tare.
A penalty kick successfully taken by Shanon Van Eijk cushioned the deficit for Nikao but Tupapa had better ideas and scored again to win 3-1.
Titikaveka women’s team battled hard against Avatiu regaining their form and redeeming themselves from their recent loss with a 3-0 win.
On Thursday Puaikura and Matavera’s match ended in a nil-all draw.
- CIFA Media
Tupapa players look to gain possession of the ball from Nikao’s James Osilamo. 21102404
U6 Mix: Puaikura FC vs Matavera: 4-0, Titikaveka FC vs Tupapa Maraerenga FC: 2-1; Titikaveka FC vs Avatiu FC: U8 Mix: 1-1, U10 Mix: 0-4, U12 Mix: 3-6, U15 Boys: 0-5, U15 Girls: 0-1, U18 Men:0-2, Senior Women: 3-0, Premier Men: 4-3; Tupapa Maraerenga FC vs Nikao Sokattak FC: U8 Mix: 2-0, U10 Mix: 3-1, U12 Mix: 2-2, U15 Boys: 0-4, U15 Girls: 0-0, U18 Men: 0-1, Senior Women: 3-1, Premier Men: 1-0; Puaikura FC vs Matavera FC: U8 Mix: 0-4, U10 Mix: 2-1,U12 Mix: 0-2, U15 Boys: 0-4, U15 Girls: 0-0, Senior Women: 0-0, Premier Men: 1-0.