Friday 20 October 2023 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Other Sports, Sports
The Tuakau Terrabulls Golden Olden Rugby team members Brian Voice, Amelia Odonoghue, Ella McMillan, Digby Cameron and Nicole Niezen donated sports balls to Apii Nikao. MELINA ETCHES/23101922
This is the third time the club has visited Rarotonga for friendly games against the Avatiu Nikao Mongoose Golden Oldies Rugby Club, and both teams were looking forward to their match yesterday afternoon.
Brian Voice, one of the Tuakau Terrabulls members, said that their club has been around for about 40 years.
“We brought over six rugby balls, six soccer balls, and six netballs, which we have donated to Nikao School for the kids to use and get involved in sport,” he said.
Voice has strong personal ties to the Cook Islands, as he resided on Rarotonga for a period of 15 months in 1980 while working for the National Bank. He has kept his friendship with the Mongoose club, including George George, Sam Crocombe, and Nia Heather, who were his teammates when he played for the Avatiu Eels.
During his initial time on Rarotonga, he met his sweetheart Apaina (Mama) Teremoana Vaipo, who hails from Ivirua, Mangaia. They returned to Aotearoa together, eventually marrying and raising four daughters: Amy, Julie, Linda, and Leah.
Voice and his family have come back to Rarotonga for Leah’s wedding ceremony today (Friday). His two eldest daughters, Amy and Julie, also had their weddings on the island.
Voice expressed his fondness for Rarotonga, stating, “I love it here. I’ve been back about 60 times.”