Monday 10 February 2025 | Written by Nicolea Mateariki | Published in Other Sports, Sports
Students enjoyed their first Anau event with the Annual Tabloid Sports on Friday at Nukupure Park in Ngatangiia. NICOLEA MATEARIKI / 25020729 / 25020730 / 25020731 / 25020732
This year replacing the sport of ‘Stand Up Paddle Boarding’, was netball.
It was a great turnout at this year's tabloid sports as Anau Te Manga (Blue House) takes 1st place again, after last year's close points with Anau Te Kou.
Students look forward to the tabloid sports this year as it’s the first anau event to get everyone started for the year.
The tabloid sports consist of 4 different events that all year levels must take part in from year 9 to year 13.
The teams play to a timer then rotate around each sport, as they share break times. With just over 400+ students participating this year, the school continues to grow in numbers with more outer islands scholars arriving to Rarotonga.
Kaitini Oti, (student from Mauke School) says, “This is my first time participating and my first year in Tereora. I was a bit nervous on my first day at school because there are so many kids in the school, but just being part of this tabloid sport helps me understand the different house colours and how things work here in Tereora, especially getting to know the other students and their passion for sports.
“Although I miss my old school in Mauke, I believe that being here in Rarotonga will help me to grow and extend my knowledge in both academic and sports, as my culture will follow me wherever I go because I grew up on the islands of Mauke.”
Students from Pukapuka were very outstanding as they took the fields in Volleyball, making it known that this is one of the main sports played back on their beautiful island.
Tutala Teiho-Tua, is also another scholar student from Pukapuka who currently trains with Te 'Ātui'anga ki te Tango (AKTT) and has been a part of the programme which highlights his specialty as an outside hitter bringing fun and excitement to the courts. Nicolea Mateariki