Arorangi’s Jamie Crawford in action against Avatiu at the Raemaru courts on Saturday. Photo: SUPPLIED/22051610
Only the Takuvaine versus Titikaveka fixture was cancelled while the other two matches – Arorangi versus Avatiu and Ngatangiia/Matavera versus Tupapa – went ahead as scheduled.
Avatiu and Tupapa premier teams continued their superb start to the season with wins over Arorangi and Ngatangiia/Matavera, respectively, in away matches.
Avatiu defeated Arorangi 47-37 at Raemaru courts while Tupapa overcame Ngatangiia/Matavera 52-47.
In the opening match of the season, Avatiu premiers defeated Takuvaine 32-28 while Tupapa overcame Arorangi 48-42.
The results from last week’s games are as follows:
Arorangi vs Avatiu (Arorangi score first) – Prems 37-47, Reserves, 32-40, Opens 1, 30-15, Opens 2, 17-20, 15U - 17-26, 12U - 20-17, 10U - 13-6, 8U - 14-1.
Ngatangiia/Matavera vs Tupapa (Nga/Mat score first) – Prems 47-52, Reserves, 32-30, Opens 1, 18-11, Opens 2, 21-22 15U - 15-16, 12U - 12-7, 10U - 1-16, 8U - 2-1, 6U - 6-2.
Takuvaine vs Titikaveka (Games postponed) – 6U, 10U and 15 U matches were played on Monday, Prems to be played today at 5pm and 12U and Reserves to be played on Friday at 4.30pm.
Netball Cook Islands secretary Tekura Moeka’a said: “Rain did not stop some clubs from playing on Saturday. Despite the conditions there were some close and high score matches played in the weekend. It has been great to see the village come out and support their club and the game of netball.”
“Last weekend also saw the first mixed match between Ngatangiia/Matavera and Tupapa for the premier grade. Ngatangiia/Matavera are unable to field a Open Women's Team this year however as decided by delegates in preparation for the season two months ago, Ngatangiia/Matavera could field a mixed team.
“Furthermore, the season has been a great opportunity for the national squad (long list of 20 players – 13 based in Rarotonga) to get some game time in, in preparation for the Qualifiers in July. A final list will be announced in June.”
Next Games (This week) Round 1, Game 3 – Wednesday 18th and Saturday 21st May 2022: Avatiu vs Titikaveka (at Avatiu), Arorangi vs Ngatangiia/Matavera (at Arorangi), Tupapa vs Takuvaine (at Tupapa). Wednesday – Open Grade matches take place and Saturdays – All Grades take place.