Monday 10 February 2025 | Written by Supplied | Published in Opinion, Smoke Signals
Why is “60” such a significant milestone? What is so special about this number? What is the big deal he is pushing? Well the truth is that 60 is just another number…there is NOTHING special about achieving a 60 year milestone. (Except in Marriage of course!!)
Could have been 59, or indeed 61. On the other hand, 50 years was a real milestone…Half a Century…and was very well celebrated and highlighted Nationally, as it should be.
So all this publicity is simply smoke and mirrors…an attempt to take peoples’ minds and attention off issues within the country, which affect and impact everyone. Divert their focus from asking too many hard questions, and interfering with the way the Top People are running the State. Keep the iti Tangata occupied with diversions and distractions, such as entertainment, so they don’t bother us.
The ancient Romans did exactly the same way back when… …they called it…Bread and Circuses (Food and Games) …in Latin…Panem et Circenses…In a POLITICAL context, this was meant to generate public approval and blind acceptance but NOT by excellence in Public Service or Public Policy, but by DIVERSION, DISTRACTION, and by satisfying the most immediate and base needs of a population … It seems that History does indeed repeat itself.