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Smoke Signals: MARKET SHARE

Friday 8 November 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Opinion, Smoke Signals


“Location, location, location is a mantra commonly used overseas for determining the value of real estate,” writes a smoke signaller.

“It also holds true on an island level where for instance a well located market stall which gets lots of foot traffic near the entrance could earn tens of thousands of dollars in sales more over the course of a year than if it was located towards the back of the market. So how is it being decided which stalls get the best market locations in the major Punanga Nui redevelopment? Is it by randomly drawing names of vendors out of a hat?”


If you’re looking to put up a tarp this coming Christmas New Year period and don’t want it to bulge with water after a downpour, look no further than the shade sails at Takitumu School for inspiration. They look attractive and rain easily runs off due to the twist caused by two alternate high and two low anchor points. The tension in the design reduces flapping in the wind and it even has a name: hypar.

Photo: TakitumuScoolSails.jpg 1115: Those who installed the hypar shade sails at Takitumu School knew what they were doing.


If you feel there are wrongs that need righting, something that’s escaped public attention and needs airing, or just an interesting observation, send us a Smokie by email to, or Messenger messages via Facebook to Cook Islands News. C’mon, Smoke it!