1) The showy expression of satisfaction that Government officials have in their achievements.
2) To intrinsically know that you are right about everything and to never question yourself or take advice from anyone.
3) A form of self-delusion and communal narcissism.
I see the weather presenter for TV in New Zealand , and others in the public front line have allowed their grey hair image to be part of who and what they are… …well done
This is nature at work, and it affects all of us in time. . …so why have we got so many men in the older age bracket here in Rarotonga who insist on trying to look younger by dyeing their hair?
We have well known Religious people, Politicians, people in Business…all of you high in the public view…all trying to change their image by appearing younger. Why?? Suggest you all relook at the 7 deadly sins in the Bible you are all familiar with, and see whether you are transgressing at least one of these. The Bible also teaches about Hypocrisy. Will be interesting to see who owns up and how quickly some change their ways.
Kia Orana, This reader really has to question the logic of JP, Tangi Taoro, CIN march 6th, 2025…” man sentenced to probation…”.. according to the news report she, ( the JP ) says that the Court does not condone domestic violence….really!!! 4 assault charges, …clearly aggressive, and fuelled by alcohol. …and he is remorseful…wow!!! 4 hand slaps with the back of his hand…who believes this ? …wonderful comfort for the woman involved with a couple of black eyes, and ongoing fear and humility. ! And he gets handed a get out of jail free card…$200 fine, and a $20 medical bill… and stay away from alcohol, and licenced premises…yeah right!! …That message is clearly condoning Domestic violence going forward. This poor woman, and children if there are any, deserve better than this. I suggest the Courts really wake up, and lay down the law where domestic violence is concerned… impose serious and heavy fines…not petty cash… why not start with $1000…and Jail time included where required. JP’s restricted as to what they can hand down according to what the CI law allows? … change the laws…that’s what your members of Parliament are there for… get serious, and get involved…make this country a better and safer place for everyone.