Friday 6 December 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Opinion, Smoke Signals
Prime Minister Mark Brown. TALAIA MIKA / 24080515
Upskilling the available personnel will do little to cover critical shortages in manpower…only new recruitments will do that. And the Minister appears to be in no hurry to address this serious situation…instead employing a Tribunal of ex cops and others to review what the issues are, and what to do about them…duhhh… everyone in Rarotonga knows what the issues are, and how to resolve them…EXCEPT the PM/ Minister of Police!!!
Funding a Recruitment program an issue??? Perhaps the PM/Minister of Police would like to tell the public what his last useless and totally unnecessary gallivant to Azerbaijahn cost the Tax payers of this country? Apart from the cost…why did he have to join a delegation of 9, 10, or 11 others…at all?? Wayne King could have and should have done this trip on his own. And where is the PM’s public report showing why he went, and what he actually achieved?? Where are the National benefits?? Indeed, where are ANY of his travel reports? And there is little doubt that the financial cost of his latest ego trip would cover the cost of at least one new police recruit. And now for extra measure throw in the cost of that latest DSM Roadshow to NZ with a huge team of Camp followers telling the CI people living in NZ what wonderful things DSM will do for them…what was the total cost of that DSM trip, Mr. PM??? Air Fares, Hotels, vehicle hire, per diems, what is the real $ total? And could that money have been diverted to more pressing funding issues like Police, Nurses, and Teachers? It would appear that the PM is not focused sufficiently on the REAL issues that face the country today… maybe spending a bit more time on the ground in Rarotonga, rather than at 39,000 feet Business Class would help him assess what needs to be done urgently.