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‘Partition’ of Nukupure Park

Friday 17 February 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


‘Partition’ of Nukupure Park

Dear Editor,

This is sad for all the people of Ngati Tangiia and Rangiatea (Court application to determine the future of Nukupure Park, Cook Islands News, February 14, 2023). The biggest issues here is greed for dollars. There’s a lot of people that came through that club and they left their legacy behind in that club for us to respect and honour them. Sad tikai. My tupuna vaine is from there (Ngati Tangiia) and married the paramount chief of Puaikura. Why don’t just leave it as it is. Its beautiful and for all Ngati Tangiia people and our future generations to enjoy. I enjoyed playing on that field from the 60s till I retired from rugby. Hopefully the landowners make the right decisions to please the people of Ngati Tangiia. God bless you all.

Tua Rangi Mokotua


My great grandmother and grand aunty are both resting there. I’m sure many other loved ones are there too, please let our tupuna be. Plus, the clubhouse is surely needed, where would the clubhouse move to if it’s not going to stay there anymore? Does there need to be a discussion of membership fees or something since some greedy people are obviously after money maybe? Where’s the petition at? Keen to sign!

Vellencia Tangi


My papa is part owner of that place and has always supported having clubhouse there etc now that he is gone and so might others, the ones now that have power are greedy. Wouldn’t be surprised with who all supported this situation, just use the other lands you want as well to build whatever. The clubhouse has always been there so leave it as is. 

Lorraine Willie


This is just ridiculous! They’re at the trough again! From my own personal experience, the landowners over the years have always remained supportive of sports and have honoured their families’ decision in granting these lands to village sports. Suddenly, returning “landowners” wanting to overturn this decision! My plea to all our legal experts and lawyers in our village or across sports, through your pro bono efforts and services to the community, let’s work together to support our NMSA (Ngatangiia Matavera Sports Association) fight this battle for the future of sports in the village. Te iu tikai!

Mona Mato


It might look sad, but I think it’s fair to respect the landowners’ decision about their land. It’s not that the landowners are been stingy with the land, but the landowners have their own reasons and purpose in life for their land. And they have catered the community of Ngatangiia with their land for a very long time. So, I think it’s fair enough to agree the landowners’ decision, and say thank you to the landowners for their land that cater the village for years and years till now.

It’s time to look for another land to make a field for the village. And I’m sure there’s a lot of Good Samaritan landowners in Ngatangiia that will provide a land. I prefer to move the field somewhere inland. 

The Ngatangiia community shouldn’t focus on the history and good memories of the field, I rather focus on the history of the disasters happening on the field and the money being spend on the repair of the field all these years till now. That is because the field is in the wrong spot where disasters like hurricanes or king tides occur. But if the field moves inland, then it’s hardly disasters will harm the field. And there’s no cost on the repair of the field, the money that been used to repair the field, can be used in another area to strengthen the club.

Mau Taverio
