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LETTERS: Looking at the alternatives

Wednesday 13 October 2021 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


LETTERS: Looking at the alternatives

Letters for Wednesday October 13, 2021

Dear Editor,

Vaccinated or unvaccinated, I think we can all agree on one thing.  No-one wants to be hospitalised with Covid-19, no one wants to die from Covid, and no one wants this to happen to their family members.  Am I right?

So if you or a family member did show symptoms and test positive for Covid, would you rather have no treatment and end up in hospital and possibly on a ventilator, or receive treatment at home or at a treatment centre to treat the virus and prevent serious illness?

I definitely know which action I’d prefer to take for myself or a family member. There are treatment protocols available, which have been saving lives and keeping people out of hospital.

Frontline Covid-19 critical care alliance was formed by leading critical care specialists dedicated to developing highly effective treatment protocols to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 and to improve the outcomes for patients ill with the disease.  

Dr Pierre Kory has led ICUs in multiple Covid hotspots throughout the pandemic. Having led his old ICU in New York City during their initial surge in May for five straight weeks, he then travelled to other Covid hotspots to run Covid ICUs in Greenville, South Carolina and Milwaukee during their surges.

Dr Paul Marik is the second most published critical care physician in the world ever.  They have developed treatment protocols that are being used the world over. They have treated thousands of patients themselves and saved lives.  Dr Kory testified before the US senate together with top US cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough on life saving treatments.

Why are these treatments not part of the national public health treatment protocols?  If lives can be saved then why aren’t these treatment protocols in place in every country?  Why are treatment kits not given out to every household as they were in certain states in India where the Covid numbers have dropped dramatically.  Why is the only ‘preventative’ the vaccine, when we know it is not even a preventative.  You can still catch Covid and get seriously ill from it, especially if you have underlying conditions.   Why are people here still so afraid of Covid reaching our country when we are 97 per cent vaccinated? Because we know you can still catch it, and you can still get very sick from it, especially our population with its high rates of NCDs, diabetes, obesity etc.  

Why aren’t we taking note of what is happening around the world?  Why are we just following New Zealand, who follows the US, whose Covid response is driven by WHO, FDA, CDC, NIH, who are owned by big pharma companies and have so many conflicting interests.   Why aren’t states like Uttar Pradesh in India being hailed as huge success stories on mainstream media? 

August 5th stats:

Uttar Pradesh population: 241million  

4.9% fully vaccinated

Covid daily cases: 26

Covid daily deaths: 3


Population: 331million

50.5% fully vaccinated

Covid daily cases:  127,108

Covid dealy deaths: 574

In Texas they have state funded treatment centres using monoclonal antibody infusions (same as was given to Trump last year), where people on the first sign of symptoms can be treated and sent home.  Celebrities in the news, Joe Rogan caught Covid,was down for one day, home treated with monoclonal antibodies and ivermectin, recovered in 3 days,  Oscar de la Hoya, no early treatment, hospitalised and knocked off his feet.

In Tahiti, in Paea, the mayor set up a treatment centre to treat people and keep them out of hospital.  We saw recently one of the doctors there who has been treating people at home being arrested.

In Dr McCullough’s treatment protocol, he states, Covid is a mild illness for most healthy people under age 50.  Covid can be unpredictable and dangerous for only a few high risk people, such as those over 50, and/or those with serious other medical conditions including diabetes, obesity, heart and lung conditions.  The vast majority of deaths are in those over 75, especially those with other medical conditions.  The chances of someone under 50-years-old with symptoms dying from Covid-19 is 0.05%. 

The chances of someone under 18 years of age dying from Covid is near 0%.  Those that do die are those with severe underlying medical conditions.   Unlike the flu, Covid-19 illness can be profoundly serious in unpredictable ways if treatment is delayed.    Rapid treatment is crucial. Early treatment started in the first five days of symptoms is critically important to reduce your risk of having to go to hospital.  Waiting until late stage illness leads to a far higher risk of long term lung, heart, neurological and other complications.

As Dr Kory says, “We can’t hide from Covid forever, there will always be mutations, vaccines are not the magic bullet, you can’t vaccinate your way out of this problem. My hope is that more attention will be put to the early treatments available especially now that the vaccinated are getting sick. We need more tools, more weapons to fight this, and the thing is we have these."

Serena Hunter