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LETTERS: Vaccine denial ‘unbiblical’

Saturday 19 February 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


LETTERS: Vaccine denial ‘unbiblical’

Dear Editor, just wish to offer my big meitaki maata to my good friend and RAC (Religious Advisory Council) colleague Bishop Paul Donoghue for the great Church talk article he wrote in our Cook Islands News yesterday.

It was very direct, pivotal, heart-warming and most encouraging indeed, especially in this unprecedented and chaotic time that we are currently in.

Sitting at four Covid 19 cases, we sure can bring that number back to zero again – just as our master over all tempests, healer over all diseases and saviour over all sins has, and can.

But only if all in our Cook Islands boat, like Jesus’ disciples were in theirs, have as much faith as their master had, oh men of little faith. Did they always have to run to their master for help, when they could and should have faith in their own selves, enough to rebuke and cause calm over their own encountering storm and situation?

It was most incredible to also read about 11 Fiji Church ministers resigning (not overlooking perhaps some of our very own too) to avoid a simple act of faith to get vaccinated for their flock, and the vulnerable in their community’s sake.

Instead, they abandoned their divine call of duty. Where are they going to go from there, hide or isolate in their own homes, or flee to the mountains? 

Cry like Jonah and Elijah to their God to take their lives away, for they could not bear to watch the sins, wickedness and chaos surrounding them?

So ashamed watching on television and social media worldwide, so-called Christian preachers and churches causing much confusions and chaos with their un-Godly, unbiblical and no Holy Ghost anointed messages to the whole world, announcing of their denial and defiance against vaccination, can their faith in God alone save them, asks the Apostle and first Bishop of Jerusalem James 2:14 -17, “What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone”.

All our government agencies such as the police, customs, Te Aponga Uira, education, trade and transports, health (TMO), agriculture, law, statistics, finance, marine and so forth are not all out there to hurt nor harm, but for the good of all and therefore established of a good God.

The Apostle Paul in Romans 13: 1 and 3 clearly explains of the Christian and government’s relationship: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher power. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same”.

Jesus Christ took the most bitter of all vaccines, the cup of suffering when he didn’t need to, but had all power to destroy all his enemies. Knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, he cried “I thirst”, the Roman soldiers put a sponge of vinegar, put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth. And when he had received the vinegar, he said, “It is finished”: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost (John 19:28 – 30). Vinegar is made out of rotten or fermented apples, Jesus took it signifying of how he had taken upon himself the sin, evil, wickedness, rottenness and numbered himself with the transgressors of unsaved humanity.

Thank you, Jesus, that our TMO keeps extending vaccination opportunities for those who have not quite completed theirs, and others who have not as yet at all, today and tomorrow.

Our God gives extra chances to all, that none should perish, but all come to repentance. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love”.

We all pray that our Jesus save, bless, deliver, heal, preserve and protect our beloved and beautiful Kuki Airani! Stop taking the Lord’s name in vain, work our faith, and stop all foolishness, confusion and ignorance, ignorance kills.

Bishop Tutai Pere

Do not blame the recruiters

There have been several complaints in the media by employers here about New Zealand companies recruiting workers from here. Please do not blame the recruiters from New Zealand. They have every right to go to wherever they can to secure labour they need for their employers in New Zealand.

Since the start of Covid 19, New Zealand employers quickly identified the Cooks as the easiest place outside New Zealand to recruit workers.

The success of these recruiters and its negative impact on the Cook Islands must be blamed squarely on our immigration department.

When it comes to Cook Islanders, no one in the Cook Islands, including our government can stop a Cook Islander from choosing to go and work in New Zealand.

However, when it comes to a foreign worker, this is a different matter all-together.

Many countries in the world, especially those who have heavy reliance on foreign workers have a policy backed by regulation that a foreign worker cannot just change employment without first returning to his or her country and place of recruitment.

I have been told this is against human rights laws.

If this is so, then many countries are flouting this international convention.

To me this is a fair practice which protects both the employer who has invested a lot of resources in recruiting the worker, and fair to the worker who has the guarantee that he or she will be returned home at the employer’s costs, whatever happens between him and his employer.

I have also heard the argument that because of a bad employer, the worker should be allowed to seek a new employment here or in NZ.

This situation of mistreatment of foreign workers should not be tolerated in our country.

If this is happening now, then our labour division in the Ministry of Internal affairs is not doing its job.

Bad employers should be barred from recruiting workers from overseas.

But first, we should have clear rules and these are to be applied fairly and promptly.

In some place overseas where we recruit workers from, we have acquired a bad reputation because of the few scrupulous employers here who mistreat their overseas workers.

The solution for this problem is definitely not to allow workers to go around touting for new and better jobs here or, in New Zealand.

There are also issues we should streamline for foreign workers.

Things like who pay the airfares, accommodation and other recruitment expenses including spouses.

This will reduce tension and the feeling of being unfairly treated.

We should also recognise that unless the country moves to a proactive population policy that recognises our country’s current and future labour needs, and strategies, we will be jumping from one crisis to another over these critical issues.

Our country cannot grow and prosper with a continuing reduction in population. This is a reality we must plan for asap (as soon as possible).

Temu Okotai