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LETTERS: Reduction in welfare packages

Tuesday 22 March 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


LETTERS: Reduction in welfare packages

Dear Editor, it was disheartening to hear on the radio talk back show on March 18, 2022 from TMO (Te Marae Ora Ministry of Health) staff and other agencies that the welfare packages that was issued to Covid-19 affected homes was reduced by the governing agencies.

A single person residing in a single home was entitled to $100 for welfare package, this was reduced to $80 as the number of (isolation) days reduced to seven. A household of 5-8 people is given $180 in welfare package for this pandemic support.

I am not sure whether someone knows how to calculate. One household with one person is $80. One household with five people is $180. If I calculate these two numbers: 1 = 80; 5 = 180 so does this mean 80 x 5 = 180? Beats me mate.

It should be: 80 x 5 = 400.

I don’t see any HOD (heads of department) salary reduced in line with this reduction in support. I think (most of) the HOD salary is around $150,000 and some over $200,000. 

The New Zealand Government gave the Cook Islands Government $10 million support for this pandemic last year. Has this funding gone into payment of the vaccinations transported into this country hence the reason for the minimal welfare packages or to pay for the TMO top salary workers? Nothing personal against the workers on the ground level, they are doing a good job.

Also why is TMO doctors refusing to do physical examination of patients and using a phone consultation and giving them medications on the phone. Is this in compliance with the WHO regulations?

Nothing personal but please do your job properly and save lives as you have sworn to do or else move along. I stood in the line of fire on mission, you were not there.

Freedom of speech.

N. Ringiao

Editor – A right of reply request was sent to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management on Friday last week.

Reopening Pa Enua border

I think each Pa Enua decides on these matters. If they don’t want to open their border that’s their choice. Who are we to judge? I would rather leave the outer islands safe then bring this koroviti (Covid) over there.

Akamanako I tetai eaa ko koe ua ine. Teia au mea discrimination nate papaa kare ate maori. Tate maori me kare e tau e kare rae. Eaa e kauemaro. Akamotu ia ana teia tu ine! Aria angota ti ria a discrimination ma te ngai papanu ei. Amene.

Kimiora Makitae
