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LETTERS: ‘Enough is enough’

Friday 4 February 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


LETTERS: ‘Enough  is enough’

Dear Editor, following the BTIB (Business Trade and Investment Board) opinion piece dated 20th January, 2022 by Te Tuhi Kelly and the response by BTIB chief executive officer Repeta Puna (Hanging on by a thread or better than ever?).

Te Tuhi stated at the beginning of his article “More senior staff have decided enough is enough and have resigned…” This is very, very true and the last employee resigned over a week ago due to an unfairly treatment. Last month in December 2021, another employee resigned for the same reason.

This is not the way we Cook Islanders treat our own people, who does this. Does she ever think about the life of these employees and how it is hurting and have affected them and their families as well. These employees deserved better treatment and they were very intelligent in their own respective divisions, knew their work in and out, some were long term employees for more than five years. Some tried to make noises but no one bothered to listen, then they just kept quiet, too scared to do anything for many reasons, one is of her family link.

So who do they run to, no one, therefore they just leave. How sad is that and in addition the hard work these employees have done for BTIB even way before Repeta’s time was not valued and appreciated. She just came in and did what pleased her, no care at all or is it lack of skills in managing people – pointed out also by Te Tuhi in his article.

To support Te Tuhi’s comments on high staff turnover since Repeta Puna became CEO, true again. One employee walked out the job, about seven resigned and about three were terminated. It is so obvious that something is not right at BTIB.

According to Repeta Puna in her response, BTIB has seven full time staff now. That is totally wrong, very untrue. When the last employee resigned over a week ago, BTIB only had four full time staff remaining including Repeta Puna. That is only 33 per cent of the 12 staff and that is way under 50 per cent.

The current Organisation Structure 2021/22 was approved in 2019 before Repeta Puna became CEO at BTIB.  The Structure has 12 staff including the CEO herself. Three managers who reports to the CEO and eight staff that reports to their respective managers. Are all these positions replaced? The answer is a big no. The three managers who were employed before Repeta became CEO were never replaced after they left. Why?

The question is ‘who will be the next victim’. Enough is enough, it’s got to stop now before it happens again. Hopefully something is done about this to avoid the ongoing irresponsible management happening at BTIB.

Lastly, thank you Te Tuhi for opening the door to be able to comment the truth on what is actually happening at BTIB.

Very concerned human being

(Name and address supplied)