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Letter: ‘Zero’ public consultation

Friday 29 September 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: ‘Zero’ public consultation

Dear Editor, In this paper on 20-5-23, the Ministry of Health Secretary Bob Williams said, “It is essential that public consultation is undertaken to allow for medicinal cannabis to be imported, prescribed and produced in the Cook Islands”.

Now we read in your paper on 27-9-23, that the Cannabis Referendum Committee has completed a final draft report and a plan for a medicinal cannabis system and possibly there will be a media release next week after the committee members have exclusively kicked it around the room amongst themselves for consideration and feedback.

To my knowledge, as of this date, there has been zero public consultation on what the Cook Islands people want this medicinal cannabis plan to entail.

And furthermore, the committee said they want to “enable a regime that fits our aspirations”.

How can the committee know the desires of the Cook Islands people for a medicinal cannabis plan when they never provided for a public forum to discuss what we are hoping for?

You would think that the Government had learned its lesson when they ended up with egg on their face when they tried to force feed Immigration Regulations on the tourism sector only to retreat and relent to their wishes.


Steve Boggs

Editor – Cook Islands News has contacted the Cannabis Referendum Committee for a response.