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Letter: Where’s the recognition?

Wednesday 9 October 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Where’s the recognition?

Dear Editor, Last week our Cook Islands Robotics team arrived home from competing in Greece at the First Global Robotic competions, to no official welcome, or fanfare, no recognition from Government entities.

It made me ponder what we see as success in this country because we all know if a rugby team had won a gold medal overseas Culture, Sport, Education Heads and many ministers would have been at that airport to welcome them home.

So yes I now ponder what the Cook Islands in 2024 deem as success? Is it to herald dancers, sports people and beauty paegent participants? Well, yes it is and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. However we need to re-evaluate. Because while we stick to the staus quo and continue the mindset that, that is all we are good at, the next generation are quietly proving that our thinking is dated and reductive. 

We talk about our young Cook Islanders leaving our shores – why wouldn’t you if you are not seen for your brains or innovation, creativity and intelligence. We box our young people into dated careers and subjects because we are lacking vision and bravery to build what is right in front of us. That is a future that includes Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths leaders and a future that sees Cook Islands youth as intelligent voices in areas that are part of the potential solutions to the issues we face in the world.

So as our team walked through those gates at the airport with Robotics Gold medals around their necks to proud parents and dedicated supporters, but no national recogntion – remember they won Gold in Robotics out of 192 countries. They are the highest ranked South Pacific team and now sit 60th in the world rankings from the previous position of 173.

I am grateful that people like Mii and Jim Nimerota have the perserverance and vision to see the potential of our young people, but they need funding and support. It is time to change that.

Glenda Tuaine and Mo Newport


