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Letter: Where’s the fish?

Friday 24 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Where’s the fish?

I saw a disturbing greedy photo the other week of one family on one boat showing their catch of the day, three marlin and two yellow fin tuna. No catch and release, they landed them all. There is no way they could eat one of those fish let alone all of them. I wonder if the boat company shared the lottery win with them when they sold them off at $20 to $30 per kilo.

I find it completely selfish that they would take all and not return some back especially when the fishing competition a couple of weeks earlier had 42 boats out and only 16 fish landed.

We have a scarcity problem with the effects of purse seine fishing and these people go and show no respect for letting our fish stocks grow for others to benefit.


(Name and address supplied)