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Letter: ‘We’re not bold enough’

Thursday 17 August 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: ‘We’re not bold enough’

Dear Editor, It’s been long pointed out to the Government that there is an existing legal framework to legalise both the importation and cultivation of medicinal cannabis under the Ministry of Health Act 2013 and the amended Drugs Act 2009 respectively.

The Cook Islands possesses the supreme power and authority as a sovereign nation to pass its own medicinal cannabis laws.

The US President Joe Biden said as much when he told Prime Minister Mark Brown that the Cook Islands can exercise their power on the international stage without limitations because of their recognised sovereignty.

Then why in the world did the PM send a delegation to explore medicinal cannabis laws in New Zealand when we already have the framework set up to do it on our own?

It all reeks of seeking approval from a colonial master because we are not bold enough to forge our own path.

The only time we see the PM step out on the international stage is when he is looking for a handout which in turn is mainly used to prop up our burgeoning public service workforce or continue the system of politically awarding jobs and other advantages to friends or trusted colleagues regardless of their qualifications


Steve Bogg