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LETTER TO EDITOR: Give us clean water or come clean

Thursday 1 December 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


LETTER TO EDITOR: Give us clean water or come clean

Dear Editor,

While the stated “nearly $90 million” cost to date for Te Mato Vai may not be correct (and many think it’s closer to $120m), we all need to be reminded that when the project was announced at a budget of $59 million, multiple Cook Islanders argued that something like $15 million would put a new roof on every home on Rarotonga, along with guttering, 50,000 litres of water tank capacity, individual UV treatment and filters for every dwelling.

No surprise, no one listened. Now, we are advised that the “final defects programme will complete the project”. To Tatou Vai has inherited the defective quagmire from Te Mato Vai.

Perhaps To Tatou Vai can come clean and give us the complete story of the present condition of the defective infrastructure? At the same time, please tell us, how many staff are now on the payroll? It’s another case of empire building, is it not?

Even if To Tatou Vai can’t give us clean water, they can come clean on the full truth of just what we got for our money. The truth will come out, it will just be less embarrassing if we get the facts officially instead of from the whistleblowers who have so far been quiet.

(Name and address supplied)

Seabed mining and fishing

Deep sea mining is seen as an economic saviour for our embattled economy. We need to pay our way our balance of payments, loans and deficit, that is why they are not listening. Technology is advancing exponentially, we don’t need to mine the seabed.

We are giving away the family jewels, a silk purse for a sows ear. We need to be looking at alternatives for long term development and sustainability not short fixes. Short fixes are politically motivated. We need to leverage what we have and what we do really well. A whole of life approach allied to our people, resources and without raping and pillaging our environment.

Rarotonga Community Blog


Maybe if they charged even a $1 per kilo for the tons of fish they are giving away for 16 cents a kilo. (Could have been) a billion-dollar fishing industry and we are getting $10 or $12 million? Worst part our people are paying $40 a kilo. Watch the health of our people decline even further as they can’t afford to buy fish.

Maire Nui Gardens & Cafe


Ask, don’t steal

I think we don’t share through stealing. That’s bad but ask the people who own them I’m pretty sure they will give you a couple. I had three bundle of bananas ready last week in Inave and it’s gone before I got there. I did get angry as a pensioner but what’s the use, my blood pressure will go up, so I let it go and move on.

Why are these people doing these things (stealing) in the first place – are they hungry, no work plus other things that makes them do it? Those who are stealing, please ask and you will receive in peace and harmony. No hard feelings. God bless you all.

Tua Rangi Mokotua
