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Letter: The principle of democracy

Monday 16 October 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: The principle of democracy

Dear Editor, The Prime Minister is quoted in the Cook Islands New on October 12 as saying he and the government have ”no issue“ with the proposed ring road diversion behind the old Vaimaanga Hotel site.

Perhaps he needs to be reminded that democracy used to be based on the principle of the greatest good for the greatest number.

Clearly PM Brown has changed his concept of that, where now the principle appears to be the greatest good for a select and privileged few, in order to access a non-existent beach, with ugly but effective rock revetments right along that stretch of coastal road.

The majority of the population can and will be hugely  inconvenienced each and every day by having to make long diversions around the proposed ring road,  let alone the very real issue of fire engines, ambulances, and other emergencies having to go around .

According to the PM, and Mr Tim Arnold, the historic lease arrangements cannot be undone.

Absolute nonsense, where there is a will, there is a way.

Indeed, it may even be that the original lease is no longer valid.

Name and address supplied