Thursday 12 December 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
Even if consummation is delayed until the age of 9 years old or at puberty, such practices violate the rights and dignity of children.”
Well, certainly we will all agree that the sexual exploitation of children has no place in our nation. But Charles does not mention what ‘church’ promotes such harm to children. One wonders if Charles has not, inadvertently, described “The Church of Us”?
Do we not, by silence, when we know of sexual abuse of children within our own families, fail to report this to the Police? Do we not sacrifice the life-time mental health of our children by saving face for the family instead of saving our abused children from the criminals who rape them; be it father, uncle or just the cousin next door?
Shall we clean up our own way of living, and the practice of our own “church” before we decide what other churches may worship alongside?
(Name and address supplied)