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Letter: Smoke and mirrors

Tuesday 23 January 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Smoke and mirrors

The way this government is running parts of this country is just a very bad joke! Why go through all that cost, time consumption and pretence of inviting applications for a job (Head of Education), doing the interviews, and then totally disregarding the recommendation of the very professional committee.

It was all a foregone conclusion, so why not just cut the crap and put in the person you had already earmarked. Ah yes, you need to be seen to be following a process!  You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig!

The same applies to deep sea mining – the PM has already made up his mind, irrespective of whatever the “Exploration and Research” finds and reports, this scheme will go ahead. Why else is there already a mighty bureaucracy in place, and getting bigger, and also already some huge infrastructure in behind the airport. Another foregone conclusion.

Smoke and mirrors, the “mark” of this government.

(Name and address supplied)