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Letter: Pokoinu littering

Tuesday 10 September 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Pokoinu littering

Dear Editor, For months/years I and other neighbouring properties on the back road in Pokoinu, have had to put up with residents from a side road that is not serviced by the weekly rubbish collectors, leaving their domestic (and sometimes other rubbish) on the intersection of Aremaki Road and the Back Road, in Pokoinu.

There are those who bring their rubbish in wheelie bins and return home with them at the end of the day. But most of the rubbish that remains is brought in boxes which the collectors themselves throw back on the ground.

So what remains is a common and unhealthy sight for our village and for users of the back road. It is disgusting. Those who have adjoining properties have attempted to keep it tidy but they shouldn’t have to tidy up other people’s waste, and despite reporting this problem to our local MP, there has been no change to the ever-growing pile of rubbish that exists there.

It has become a village problem, simply because people won’t invest in a wheelie bin to contain their domestic trash securely and tidily ... and then take the bin back home when it has been emptied.

Everyone has to play their part in keeping our island environment clean and tidy.

A concerned Pokoinu resident

(Name and address supplied)