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Letter: Pick up the tita

Saturday 12 August 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Pick up the tita

Dear Editor, Can you please enquire and tell your readers the size of the budget for the National Environment Service?

Whatever the sum, we taxpayers can save that amount by the immediate cancellation of that budget and the immediate sacking of every NES employee.
In the face of possible criminal activity at Parliament House, the dumping rubbish within the 30-metre zone from the MHWM, the NES is going to “reach out to Parliament Services to address the rubbish issue”. What about reaching out to Crown Law and bringing charges against the perpetrators in Court?
How about the lawmakers are not above the law?
How about the lawmakers take off the ill-fitting, Warehouse bargain suits that they buy with the $5000 annual clothes budget and get out there with their own hands and pick up the tita?
The amazing thing about these hypocrites is that they are not in the least embarrassed at being found out. It’s just another annoyance on the way to the daily buffet.

(Name and address supplied)

NES staff attended to the complaint immediately and this matter was resolved instantly. Parliament Services cleared the rubbish on the beach and this will not happen again. There are no instant fines regulations. However, NES is actively implementing tangible measures to establish regulations to enable the imposition of instant fines to address the littering problem.

NES team

Taakaakaia ta tatou akono’anga tupuna

Kua taakaaka te akatutuanga i te taeanga Evangeria i te akono’anga a to tatou ui-tupuna i Akatokamanava nei. 

Kare e Ariki i te reira tuatau, e au Toa teia tei ariki i te Evangeria, kare i te etene. Ko teia kupu e etene e urianga teia i te kupu papaa e “heathen”, ko to na aiteanga, e iti-tangata, mekore ra e tangata, kare ana akono’anga, mekore ra, kare ta na akono’anga e mei ta te parau apiianga.

E arataki te Toa a Kaivari tei mou i te Evangeria i Akatokamanava nei, e matakeinanga to na. I tetai tuatau i muri ake i te taeanga Evangeria, kua aka-Ariki ia te Toa, na te Evangeria teia akono’anga. E akono’anga ta to tatou iti-tangata i mua ake i te Evangeria. E reo to ratou, ka kite ratou i te araara, e kau taunga to ratou i roto i te au tuanga o te oraanga tangata, e taunga vairakau to ratou no te au tu maki e tu ia ana ratou, e marama to ratou no runga i te kopapa tangata, e taunga akatu are, e taunga amani e te akateretere vaka to ratou, e ravakai to ratou, e au akateretereanga ta ratou i runga i te enua, e akono’anga ta ratou no to ratou kotinga enua, e arapo ta ratou no te akateretereanga i ta ratou angaanga ka rave, e atua to ratou, e manganui uatu rai te au akonoanga. Karanga te papa’a e “they have a civilization”, kare ratou e to noo kamakura ua ra i roto i te makatea. Kia akatutu ia mai ra te taeanga te Evangeria ki Akatokamanava nei, kare tatou e kite i te araara i te kupu e ATUA, e kupu Maori teia, ka apiiatamariki ia tatou, te kake mai nei te tere o John William, te tau ia atu nei te au Atua i runga i te ai. Kua takatakaiia tatou te iti-tangata Maori ia tatou uaorai.

Kare tei akararangia ei ariki i roto i te Are Ariki e te Ui-Mataiapo, Ui-Rangatira i roto i te Koutu Nui i paruru i ta tatou peu tupuna i roto i teia tuatau. Te akapaapaa mai nei te ui-ariki e na ratou i mou i te Evangeria, kare e ui-ariki i te ra tuatau. I teia ra te oki nei tatou i te kimi i ta tatou akono’anga tupuna, e oti akera kia akamaara tatou i te taeanga Evangeria, kua takatakai tatou i ta tatou akono’anga e umuumu nei kia akaokiia mai e kia paruru ia na roto i te apiianga ki te monomono tuatau ta tatou e utuutu nei. Te akaroa, i na te ra araara ei. Me rave akaouia teia tutu akatutuanga kia karo tatou i te apiianga ta tatou e akatutu nei, koai teia e karo mai nei, eaa te tumu tapura ta tatou e akaari mai nei. Kare rai oki e akaapaanga kua akariro oki tatou i ta tatou peu ei iriiriria tatou ki te au turoto, e tamataora.

Te akarongo nei au e na te Orometua teia au akateretereanga i na ko nei ei teia angaanga, ae, e tama ˈūˈā teia na tatou! Kare koia te pu! E paruparu tikai. Kia koe e te Are Ariki, akamotu koe i te akapaapaa ua ia koe, kare koe i aite mei te au Toa tei mou i te Evangeria, te aru patete aere ua nei koe i te au angaanga e raveia nei i teia tuatau. Akamatutuia to ou tango. E akamotu katoa koe i te maani e na au e akateretere i te au kopu Ariki o te au enua, mei ta au i rave kia Tararo Ariki.

Me ka akatutu, kare e na Tararo Ariki i mou i te Evangeria, na te Toa ko Kaivari.

Uritaua Mataiapo Teariki-Taoiau Rongo

Inarere-rere a te Toa ko Kaivari o Akatokamanava


graham roper on 14/08/2023

What is interesting and more of a concern is that a member of the public had to bring the rubbish issue to the media. What else do MP's have 'blind eyes' to that will only be resolved when the media raise the questions?