Wednesday 23 August 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
The road works near Apii Takitumu grounds. PHOTO: AL WILLIAMS/23082116
None of this was ever necessary … the school was happy with those fantastic trees lining the sports field...they offered safety and shelter … classes were held under those trees … so the school kids were happy.
The sports people who used this field were happy for their teams to rest there.
And bordering the road like they did, the trees look great.
Then along comes Infrastructure Cook Islands and Sonny Williams among others.
Road safety was touted as the reason for all those trees to come out ... apart from the cost of ripping out and removing those icons … many thousands of dollars no doubt … now we have a $90k (bit hard to swallow that cost) papa’a fence that looks entirely out of place, and now safety issues are much worse than before ... even the boss of ICI is quoted as saying that those extra safety measures are now being put into place in order to control the speeding drivers on that nice new surface.
We never had that problem before.
So an arrogant bureaucracy created all these problems out of nothing ... and now with major ongoing issues and costs.
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