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Letter: More Ministers, more costs, less value?

Friday 9 February 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: More Ministers, more costs, less value?

Dear Editor, Last week I wrote a Letter to the Editor giving reasons why the Constitutional Amendment No. 30 (allowing for an increase in the number of Ministers) should be opposed. This letter is to set the record straight. I made a grave mistake in my letter of last week. I now wish to correct my mistake.

First – the number of Ministers that is being proposed by the amendment is a total of nine (including the Prime Minister) not eight, as I understood. The amendment simply deletes 6 and replaces it with 8 so that it now reads the PM plus 8 others. So, it will be our current number of 6 plus 3 = 9.

Second – the cost of additional three Ministers is around $1.5 million.

Third – spreading 34 portfolios among nine Ministers means that 3 or 4 Ministers might get 1 or maximum 2 portfolios only but get paid $123,250 for their trouble. Value for money is so non-existent!

Fourth – we will end up with 9 Ministers, 3 associates and of course the PM can name the remaining 3 of his team as assistants even if not provided in the Civil List Act.

In summary the situation is so much worse than I initially thought.

Tina Browne

Leader of the Opposition