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Letter: Marijuana doctor

Friday 13 October 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Marijuana doctor

Dear Editor, I think you are biased. You print the same stuff from Steve Boggs regularly but not from other people.

I agree with the writer who said he repeats himself to many times. His answer to her opinion proved her point. I didn’t like him using her name all the time, made it sound personal then he made it all about him. He also asked if she was a doctor, is he one? What qualifies him to say someone needs marijuana? He quotes lots of stats, is he a statistician?

You probably won’t print this letter but you’ll put in five more of his non-qualified views on what prescriptions should be given to people.

I can’t support freedom of the press if you don’t support or print freedom of speech from everyone not just one.

Someone else

(Name and address supplied)