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Letter: Govt should learn to work and live within its means

Thursday 14 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Govt should learn  to work and live within its means

Dear Editor, Regarding the Constitutional Amendments Bills presented in Parliament yesterday, all other amendments are fine except increasing the number of Cabinet Ministers from six to eight.

You can have all the excuses of increase demands, more workloads, disgruntled Assistant Ministers, sharing the benefit to Independent MPs and trying to please everyone. The fact of the matter is, an additional two Cabinet Ministers will cost the country and the people’s money, over $1.5 million.

This amendment must be stopped. The Democratic Party together with the United Party have spoken that they will oppose the amendment to increase Cabinet.

Thank you on behalf of all lowly paid wage workers. This is a good sign of suppressing the wasteful spending of public money for political gain. Government should learn to work and live within its means, its budget and decrease the size and cost of Government.

Concerned Taxpayer

(Name and address supplied)