Wednesday 12 March 2025 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
And their promise some time ago to make that house and yard fit for purpose … first rip out any trees and natural shade, then build a giant wall around the premises, logic presumably being to keep out road noise, pollution, and keep the kids from wandering onto the roadway. But of course, the main result is that there is NO LONGER any cooling sea breeze coming in from the lagoon and the place now looks like a prison.
WOW, the lack of intelligence being demonstrated here by a government entity is astonishing. For the amount of money presumably being spent, it would have been much simpler to leave the kids where they are – safe, comfortable and happy, and move grown ups into that house on the corner. You could even install air con, so the hard working sports people could stay indoors. Incredible. So which Minister – CIIC or Education – will now step up and have a chat to the chairman of CIIC and perhaps have a change of heart? And a change of direction. Get your priorities right.
(Name and address supplied)