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Monday 9 December 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion



Dear Editor. The Government and TTV says, “it will bill the registered owners of the connection". What connection? Rarotonga has never had registered water connections before! How is the connection identified? Please, tell us.

Did TTV go to the Justice Department and look through all the land records and company listing's to identify the registered owners of the thousands of properties and businesses on Rarotonga? Of course not! That's the last place in the world you'd be able to get an answer, even a correct one, let alone a snappy one!

It has to be through Te Aponga of course! Because that's where the TTV billing currently originates.

If the TTV bill is done via Te Aponga Uira, isn't that person, or tenant, already registered with Te Aponga? So why are some residents who are tenants with TAU connections about to be charged by their landlords? Is it because TTV doesn't have enough meters? 

So, any complex that has residential Te Aponga Uira connections, but are tenants and are renting won't be eligible for the government's free water subsidy? Isn't that simply being dishonest?  Nothing new there. Probably violating the Constitution too! Nothing new there either. 

So, free water for some and definitely not for others.  Who might those others be? Nothing to worry about, they aren't even voters, most will be contract workers from overseas, Fijians, Filipinos, Indonesians. Because, 99.9 per cent won't be owning a home here! 

Discrimination? Of course! But they have a Te Aponga Uira connection! How else will they wash and iron their uniforms and look smart and ready to support the various industries they work in? 

So the Government residential subsidy, is it really a whole lot of crock? 

Sometimes asking a question trying to be the 'Devil’s Advocate' isn’t enough. For the Government, it’s all about the optics, perception. If they can't get that, then plain down and out lies will suffice. The Government doesn’t intentionally lie to the public. They're policy changes, get it? Even if they change quite regularly. Unfortunately there are too many irregularities on this wagon. Particularly, when you have an Opposition that's almost complicit. If your job is to be the Opposition and you say nothing or what you say is insignificant, then aren't you complicit? Or is that a 'policy change' as well? Notice how the Opposition agrees with a member of the public, when it should be the other way round?

Well, we all know TTV is a giant empire building exercise, if we didn't know that, then we should be happy for the Government to continue with its cluster puck.  Jobs for the electorate? If you can't get one, move to Takuvaine or Avatiu, then get in touch with your MP and wallah! Jobs! The more eligible voters in the family? Then job + car! 

Because and otherwise, if you voted for this, then all you're getting are bragging rights. You can't eat nor drive bragging rights!

And, what is this I hear that fishermen, unlike farmers, will be charged by the Ports Authority for their water consumption at the wharves?

So land dwellers that work the land, free water, even though they'll use more than fishermen? 

Either, everyone is charged, and at the same time or, no one is. 

Brian Mason the current Chairman isn't a person who is likely to want to be part of anything that is fundamentally discriminatory nor unfair. He'll either demand (we hope, publicly) that it is fixed or he should quit. I'm surprised he's still there.

After reading Tere Carr's submission to the Parliamentary Select Committee, which demonstrates an acute awareness of the situation and plain good ole' common sense, which every Rarotonga MP worth their salt should read. Where, she points out the double dealing by the Government and the flat out rhetoric of lies by this Government when they convinced land owners they would not charge for the water, and, let's not split hairs over 'water' and 'pipes to carry water', because the pipes let alone meters would never exist, ever! Without there being water. 

If it's just about the pipes then why is the volume of water charged and not a fixed charge for everyone? Tere Carr points out that 'Taxes have always paid for the pipes and their maintenance' longer than we’ve been 'Self Governing'. That's an irrefutable fact!

Which is just another distraction from the fact that the entire water project from its in conception has been nothing more than a financial disaster, but wasn't it fabulous PR?!  That Tripartite Agreement?

This Government has spent millions more on fixing the mess (I’m not sure about 'fixing' either) and when they had the opportunity to pull the Chinese contractor up for faulty workmanship before its warranty period expired, they did absolutely nothing! Except Mark Brown, he did wring his hands, a little, then disappeared by jumping on a plane to Wellington. 

Instead, they continued to dig a giant hole of debt. 

Not a single Government minister responsible for this project would ever be permitted to continue with this monumental unmitigated disaster in the private sector, ever! They'd be down the road within minutes. Which is why they are economical with the truth, it’s not their money, but they're in charge, being in charge gives them a full reign over the money and how to use it to position themselves, or create a distraction. Or, simply be ignorant and catch the next flight to Wellington.

Foreign Affairs Indeed!

(Name and address supplied)