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Letter: CISNOC Sports Awards ‘lacklustre’

Tuesday 21 May 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: CISNOC Sports Awards ‘lacklustre’

Dear Editor, Just some feedback on the Cook Islands National Sports Awards held on Sunday night. Can we please bring back the pizzazz of yesteryears.

I remember when the sports awards were a prestigious event, with star guest speakers, excited athletes and supporters and dignitaries.

Sunday’s event fell very flat of that. After a late start, the programme kicked off with a guest panel of speakers chaired by former secretary general Owen Lewis, and no fault of the guest speakers who were likely asked last minute to fill the gap, but even they could read the room, watching people on their phones or talking among themselves, looking at watches, or even God forbid nodding off.

The sports awards should be a celebration of achievements, and provide inspiration to our young athletes especially. 

This year’s lacklustre event fell well short of that. If anything, it felt like a self-serving, self-congratulatory event for the CISNOC powers that be. 

Come on CISNOC, pull up your socks and pick up your game, or you will see even more empty tables at next year’s sports awards.

Disappointed sports fan

(Name and address supplied)

Editor’s note – A right of reply email was sent to CISNOC secretary general Keziah Lewis and president Hugh Graham.