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LETTER: ‘Christianity’ and homosexuality

Friday 21 October 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


LETTER: ‘Christianity’ and homosexuality

Dear Editor, Kia Orana in the wonderful name of the Lord Jesus Christ. My topic to share to the people of the Cook Islands this week. “Auraka E Tau’ati I Taku Ipukarea - Rape not my paradise Cook Islands.” 1. Mr Editor my bible says – “Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a disgrace to any people.” Proverb 14:34 2. God hates sin but he loves man to come to repentance because God got no respect for any person. 3. Repentance is the most appropriate situation for any person who hates God and Christianity

Paul wrote to the Church in Rome – “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23.

“The penalty of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

Ladies and gentlemen.

Sin is death. Homosexuality is sin, like abortion, fornication, adultery and so forth. The penalty is eternal death; your spirit will go to the place set for damnation in hell.

Today more people, organisations and businesses support and promote sin in this country. Organisations such as Pride Cook Islands, the LGBTQIA questioning the delay in their request to the committee and our Parliament.

Listen carefully those of you who are members or supporters of this evil demonic satanic call.

I, Pastor T. Ngarima George, a prophet to this nation called Kuki Airani – Taku Purotu, a strong spiritual and physical warning to those of you in these organisations, if you want to die physically and spiritually go ahead with your evil desire.

I stand on the authority of the Word of God and call into the Ministry the anointing He bestowed upon my life. Please come to repentance, ask for forgiveness, and make Jesus the Lord of your life otherwise die quick and go to the place of torment.

God destroyed the City of Sodom and Gomorrah because the act of the people in those days were evil. Abraham asked for help to God if there is more than 50 or 10 righteous people and God said he would spare life. Guess what? Genesis 18:16:33 and chapter 19 speaks loud and clear for you to read and respect the Word of God. Please read II Chronicles 7:14 too.

Yours in Christ,

Prophet to the Nation,

Temu Ngarima George

BA in Biblical Studies and Theology.

M.A in Ministry

Joint response from Pride Cook Islands and Te Tiare Association:

We note with respect Ngarima’s letter to the editor. Pride Cook Islands and Te Tiare association, members, allies and supporters remain steadfast and positive in our campaign towards equality for all. We look forward to Government honouring their pre-election statement to amend our legislation to remove the discriminatory provisions from the Crimes Bill and we stand united as a community, a part of our beautiful Nation te Kuki Airani in saying that we wish everyone love, kindness and respect.

Editor’s note – Cook Islands News has approached the Religious Advisory Council to comment on Ngarima’s letter to the editor and state their stance on LGBTQIA and equal rights.


Heather Worth on 23/10/2022

It is very important to come out in support of Pride Cook Islands and Te Tiare Association in their call for repeal of discriminatory parts of the Crimes Act. Love is love Professor Heather Worth Arorangi

Maria Poila on 21/10/2022

A sickeningly hateful and divisive message of discrimination that just opens the door for persecution of a minority group. This is the self-righteous attitude of unenlightened bronze-age Christianity, not the modern Christianity of welcoming and forgiveness. I would hope that Cook Islanders would refuse to engage with an individual or church that states says that their fellow people should be put to death for who they love.