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LETTERS: Promise of major tax relief

Tuesday 2 August 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in Opinion


LETTERS: Promise of major tax relief

Dear Editor, of course, this would be an advantage to our working families living in te Pa Enua where the cost of living is much, much higher than that of us living here on mainland Rarotonga (Opposition parties call CIP promise ‘desperate attempt’, July 28).

However, at the end of the day someone or some solution must be put in place to pay for the downfall in terms of PAYE.

These are your personal tax (Pay As You Earn) and your obligation as an employee to contribute to the ‘national coffer’ of the people and Government of the Cook Islands.

Then, it is distributed by way of appropriation in each new financial year by all the 24 Honourable Members that we vote in Parliament. The fund is to pay all the services provided by Government on every individual islands.

Like I said before, this policy is good for te Pa Enua but someone must be responsible to fill in the missing formula or something must be sacrificed to balance the Government annual budget.

‘E ara e te toki’

Charlie Ave


It’s not a desperate attempt, it’s a solution for the high cost of living in the outer islands. It is similar to your (Demo and United parties) promised minimum wage increase. Both has similar opportunity cost ... something has to be sacrificed in order to achieve your plan.

This new tax policy has a huge benefit for our people in outer islands. Everything we pay in the Pa Enua is more like double-cost to us. Goods landed in Rarotonga first (cost of freight, packing, delivery, vat, etc all included) and we order the same product and Raro suppliers will add on the same before it gets to Pa Enua. And the shop will do the same thing of passing all these cost on our people.

If we follow the Demo and United of increasing wages, people will pay more tax and take home less income. Removing tax as promised will be a Xmas present for the Pa Enua residents. They can spend more on their family. Kia akameitaki ia te Atua no teia marama ou. God is good.

Ngametua Pokino


Electoral Observer Mission

Actually folks it’s a lot more simple than that (High profile delegates in Rarotonga to observe election, July 29). No conspiracy nothing, none, nada. They are on a fact finding and information gathering mission and have been interviewing the party political leaders. The mission is about asking the question, can we identify the strengths and weaknesses in our political and democratic processes during a general election. The mission is made up of politically neutral professional observers whose report and recommendations if any will inform any improvements in the Cook Islands as well as provide other Pacific Islands with opportunities to improve their political systems. I was interviewed this afternoon (Friday).

Te Tuhi Kelly


Education key issue

Agree! A country cannot run on sick stupid people! (What should be our main priority in the next four years and beyond? July 28, 2022)

Well-grounded education (inclusive of religious education) and a solid health system should be but actually has always been our main necessities.

However, because they do not generate big enough short-term revenue, they are often not given due priority and adequate funding.

In saying that, education (including health education) starts in the home. Let’s not just depend on our government to educate us. Let’s also play our part in doing that ourselves. Teach our own tamariki from day one to become independent thinkers and workers.

P.S. – Pain relief benefits from marijuana are far outweighed by its detrimental adverse effects on mental health. There is a well-known association with long term marijuana use and schizophrenia just to name one! Long term mental health issues very quickly become a huge financial burden in any country. Don’t think the Cook Islands will be any different. Think very carefully about this legislation and do your homework (once you’ve sorted out health and education).

Fiona Noovao
