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LETTERS: Permanent residency list

Thursday 21 July 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in Opinion


LETTERS: Permanent residency list

Dear Editor, can we find out who all the new PRs (permanent residencies) are, please?

Where does one get such a list?

Please don’t tell me it’s on Facebook. I don’t have Facebook because I don’t want to get my news from social media.

Everyone, including us oldies, have a right to know who the new Permanent residents are.

We surely have the right to know who is living permanently in our country alongside us.

Can you publish the list, please? Will government be transparent enough to allow it?

Much thanks.

Old Man River

(Name and address supplied)

Editor’s Response: The names of those who have been approved PR can be found on the MFAI website

Drink driving

You’ve published the story of the driver convicted of driving at fives times the legal limit of alcohol, and his name was published.

However, you’ve not published the name of the licensed bar that sold him that alcohol. Kept serving until he was 5 times over the limit. Please name the bar so that we know where not to send our family and friends.

(Name and address supplied)


We will never change, what can we do to change our people for a better life. If they are teenage, do not put them in prison, bring them to New Zealand, so they could choose, army or navy or air force.

This is the only way to change our teenage, not prison, te karoa I tatou tamariki e, ite kanga, Mari ra e apii tatou iia ratou na roto ite kimi pupinga meitaki naroto ite akamarama ite ao nei.

Monday Adam Marsters Poaiti


Assistance for king tide victims  

It’s no different to the many cyclones we have had in the past. When you’re on the shorefront, expect damage. Not once have we received Government assistance after a cyclone. So I’m not sure why those affected by the king tide suddenly qualify for assistance. Can I apply for past cyclone damage assistance? I still have the receipts, that’s what insurance is for.

Tashi Tutai


Typical rai teia Pakau e tangata. What would you except when you live by the sea? Something happens straight away, blame the government. Obviously, they didn’t do their maths. Natural disaster happens out of the blue, grow up people.

Where was the government during the Covid? Benefits paid out as usual, subsidy given during Covid, loan interest paid on mortgages so people’s houses don’t get repossessed, subsidy given to assist private sectors with staff wages, discounts from Te Aponga Uira and te continue ua nei rai te Kavamani I te tauturu.

Theresa Heather


Surely people should have taken some precautionary measures prior to building. It is the norm before building any house. This ain’t the first time something like this has happened in Rarotonga. Where are the people’s common sense when doing anything these days? But hey, let’s blame the government for our poor decisions.

Rere Olly
