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LETTERS: ‘Airlines are struggling too’

Friday 19 August 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in Opinion


LETTERS: ‘Airlines are struggling too’

Dear Editor, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to work out that obviously all airlines would have made a huge loss in the last two years because of this “unplanned” pandemic!

Any business that relied heavily on tourism have been hugely affected especially because of the borders being shut. Governments have been affected financially because they have responded to the economic crises and provided financial assistance to those that were in need. Because of this pandemic governments, and I’m proud to say our Cook Islands government is one, have paid for repatriation flights to get people back into the Cook Islands. It only makes sense that now we are slowly getting back into the mode of travel due to borders being open again and the only way the airlines can recover the money that was lost and to be able to keep afloat, i.e. make payments for expenses such as maintenance, landing fees, staff wages/salaries, uniforms, rent, power, fuel (we all know price of fuel has shot up substantially!), parts, transporting parts from overseas, subscriptions to bookings systems used, marketing, refresher training and checks of staff (engineers, pilots, cabin crew, ground handling crew, etc) to still be able to safely operate these flights and so many more expenses.

Airlines don’t make their own rules. There is Civil Aviation laws and rules that every airline must comply with and it ain’t cheap! Think about that ... you honestly think the airlines can afford to safely operate if the airfares were cheap? I think not! Be more understanding and supportive of what “safe” airlines are trying to do for the interim. I have confidence when business picks up to how it was pre-Covid there will be lower prices of airfares for sale.


Frances Willis


Police arrest

Police arrest powers are primarily designed to stop the offender from continuing in the offense. Arrests are also made for the preservation of the peace and the safety of the public as well as the offender.

In the case cited by Mr George the arrest described is outside the law, unnecessary and in my opinion illegal. It is apparent that the arresting members were utterly misdirected by their superiors who seem oblivious to the limitations of their powers. The only remedy I see to resolve this ongoing problem is by way of suing for unlawful arrest and claiming damages.

Rod Henderson
