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Ruta Mave: ‘Silent steal’ is eating our country alive

Monday 14 October 2024 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion


Ruta Mave: ‘Silent steal’ is eating our country alive
Ruta Tangiiau Mave. Photo: CI NEWS

Pink collar crime is small bills, big fraud. The silent steal, and it is eating our country alive, writes Ruta Mave.

Pink collar crime is in the Crook islands. Non-violent crimes of finances such as book keeping fraud, and embezzlement. They are typically committed by women in mid to low level positions. They can be a PTA mum, dentist office manager, someone’s grandma or a male.

White collar crime is usually men who steal larger amounts of money on average $156,000. Women average $89,000. Women steal less money, more often and it is increasing by 40 per cent.

It can’t be underestimated the devastation caused by small business embezzlements where employers can lose their livelihoods at the hands of a single employee.

Embezzlement is theft when she takes money or something of value entrusted to her control, and uses it for her own purposes. Forgery is often committed by writing checks, with the intent to deceive or defraud. Larceny is theft without permission.

Reasons may range from a sick child, an aging parent, financial difficulties or because they want more.

Pink collar criminals come in all shapes and sizes. Just because someone is a long-term trusted employee does not mean businesses are safe. Often, she is the one person you rely on with your business and ultimately your life.

Often, they work in bookkeeping positions where money moves through business. They know the accounting and office systems better than most. Blind trust from peers and superiors generates a perfect climate for easy undetected theft.

Unfortunately, only 15 per cent of cases are reported to law. Fraud costs five per cent of gross revenues worldwide and many businesses here, write the amount off and fire the employee. Because when they are caught, they plead they are a mum with kids. Don’t let them get away with it. Catch, charge and convict them. They will do it again.

Our Christian community response is to make them president of a sports club, leader of the church fundraising, or re-employ them because they are family. Big mistake.

Clues for detecting potential pink-collar criminals. They want to know how everything in the office works, then they manipulate them for their own gain. When a person has strange or long working hours, never takes time off, insisting on working alone, possessive controlling attitude towards work systems, access to information and signs of addiction like gambling, drinking or over here probably food.

They are often found out when they get sick and can’t come in or go on holiday for a long enough time the new person notices some anomalies.

Restitution is paying back the money taken, often not all of it.

Media don’t usually report it with the exception of the (former) Deputy Prime Minister and the ex-Prime Minister's nephew.

How do they do it? By pocketing cash payments without recording the transactions. Have you thought about how much cash crosses over at the Justice Ministry for land?

Manipulating accounting records to conceal their theft, requires some skill, so here they just don’t go to the bank for months on end. Or they don’t hand in their audit or financials like most of the government ministries and CISNOC.

Create false invoices to the company for payment for goods or services that were never provided. A sports treasurer got a quote for laptops then she submitted it as an expense.  

Conspiring with vendors to overcharge the employee then gets a percentage kickback. This is something the government should be wary of, where inflated quotes are submitted and the family connection gets the job someone gets a pay-off.

Misuse of company credit cards for personal gain like a motorbike. Happens so many times here but no convictions.

False categorising expenses as business related. Client dinner meeting staycation at Edgewater, or buy karaoke electronics or grass cutter as office supplies. These are cases of our own government ministers.

We are creating and enabling this type of criminal activity every day and due to the lack of consequences they continue to steal and teach the next generation this is how you win in life.

Break ins to empty tourist villas is occurring where locals help themselves to 600 dollar per night rooms, use free Wi-Fi, mini bar and amenities. They bring little kids who snack on packets of shapes and juice boxes, leaving a trail of rubbish and black hair in the shower. Police know them, nothing is done – too young. No one teaches work hard and save anymore, instead they teach save your energy and steal off someone else’s hard work. Should we charge parents instead?

The sad reality is our thieves have no intelligence or morals. They spend the money on food and drinks. There is no investment towards growing out of their current situation to create a better life and stop their generational poverty.

Pink collar crime is small bills, big fraud. The silent steal, and it is eating our country alive.


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