Monday 16 October 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in National, Tourism
Noeline Mateariki, CIT Director of Sales and Marketing. PHOTO: Cook Islands Tourism 23101540
In a statement, CIT said it is an initiative to identify and celebrate those from our tourism community who have “gone above and beyond expectation when delivering experiences”.
With nominations running for several weeks CIT closed nominations on October 11, receiving over 600 nominations with a total of 112 nominees identified.
Following a vetting process of all nominations, CIT revealed the top finalist for the Cook Islands People's Choice Awards on Sunday.
The finalists were selected based on total number of nominations received per nominee.
Following a vetting process of all nominations CIT can now reveal the top finalist for the Cook Islands People's Choice Awards.
The finalists were selected based on total number of nominations received per nominee. Here are the finalists.
“Congratulations to all our finalists for their well-earned top recognition. It is good to see a variety of tourism business types and sizes being recognised alongside individuals who contribute to various roles and our Kia Orana Values within the tourism industry. The competition now heats up as we move to voting for our winners of the 2023 Cook Islands People’s Choice Awards – business and individual category”, Noeline Mateariki, CIT Director of Sales and Marketing said.
The next steps from here will be opening up the voting to determine who the winners will be in both the business and individual categories.
Voting opens online at 12 noon today and will remain open for two weeks closing October 27.
To vote, visit the Cook Islands Tourism official Facebook page and cast your vote by simply liking the image of your preferred top finalist, individual and business.
Every 'Like' serves as a vote.
Likes on a shared post will not be counted.
The winners will be announced on November 1 across all CIT official channels.
Winners with receive the following prize packs Business category - 2023 Cook Islands People’s Choice Award wins a Marketing & Promotion package to the value of $3000 supported by Cook Islands Tourism.
Individual category - 2023 Cook Islands People’s Choice Award wins an ‘Experience’ prize package to the value of $1500 and recognition as a Kia Orana Ambassador.
Make your 2023 People’s Choice known by ensuring you cast your vote.
For more information on the 2023 Cook Islands People’s Choice Awards and how to vote visit