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Chinese gifted Rangi Marumaru Dome ‘blessed’

Friday 16 December 2022 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Local, National, Netball, Sports


Chinese gifted Rangi Marumaru Dome ‘blessed’
Minister George (Maggie) Angene celebrates the opening of Rangi Marumaru. From left: Rosie Blake, Leader of the Opposition Tina Browne, Tutai Upu, Minister George (Maggie) Angene, Tereau Francis, MP Akaiti Puna. 22121501

The rain bucketed down yesterday - a great way to test the historical grand new Tupapa Maraerenga dome “Rangi Marumaru” which withstood the deluge, keeping everyone dry and warm.

Rangi Marumaru was initiated by Minister George (Maggie) Angene, the Member of Parliament for Tupapa Maraerenga, following a visit in 2019 to Zhuhai City, Guangdong province of China, who gifted the materials for the dome.

Angene was happy and proud at the official opening ceremony. He noted and thanked the district sports committee, and gave tribute to all women for their unwavering support, the elderly, and his dear grandmother, the late Maggie.

Teia te karere a te Minita ngateitei George (Maggie) Angene: “Mataora e te akapumaana o te ngakau, e te aue katoa.

“Te oki nei au i te akamaara i te au pa metua te akaruke ia tatou, e kare e kite ana eaa te tupu i teia ra, no te akararangi’anga i to tatou ‘Rangi Marumaru’, akaroa au ia ratou.

“Akaroa katoa au i toku mama ruau (Mama Maggie Brown) no te mea akaruke mai aia iaku i roto i te ngere, ngere e te putaua. Karuke katoa mai aia iaku ki roto i te are auri. I teia ra, kua akarangatira Te Atua iaku.

“No reira au e mii nei i toku Metua vaine, e te au mama katoatoa i teia ra, ka akangateitei au ia ratou. No te mea te akara nei au i te turanga o Mama Maria tei anau mai i to tatou Atu, i rauka ia tatou i te kite, i te Atua o tatou i teia ra. Kia akameitaki ia, te au mama o te Basileia katoatoa.

“No teia ngutuare ra, ka inangaro au kia akapapu koe ki te iti tangata, kare oki au i rekareka i te au karere tarevake no te akatu ia’anga teia ngutuare, kare koau ua, ko matou te aronga tei angaanga kapiti kite oire, puputu’anga tarekareka ete aronga mana kia tae te anoano, e te inangaro i te akatupu atu i teia anga’anga no teia ngutuare. Kia noo tatou mate au, kia koropini ia tatou i te ingangaro o te aroa motukore o te Atua Amene.”

At its highest point, the dome stands at 11 metres, sloping five metres on each side, and the area covered is 35m x 21m.

A covered grandstand is built on each side to provide shelter for spectators and the facility has solar lights.

The Tupapa Maraerenga Sports Association (TMSA), contributed $50,000 towards putting up the dome and the shelters on the side.

President of TMSA, Tere Strickland was proud to see what had been achieved, not only for those who are present and for the next generation, but also for all the village sports greats who have passed on.

Temarama Anguna-Kamana, the president of the Tupapa Maraerenga Netball Association, was “very happy and proud” to be present at the “historical” event.

In the past seasoned netball players used to play sports in the sun, rain and wind, said Anguna-Kamana, adding the dome presents a great opportunity for retired players to return to the courts.

Anguna-Kamana made special mention of the grandparents and parents who allowed their land to be given to the community for sports. “Because this is bigger than just us, because this is for the community, this beautiful dome is to be used for all sports codes,” she said.

Guest speakers included King’s Representative Sir Tom Marsters and the Prime Minister Mark Brown who acknowledged the long standing relationship with the City of Zhuhai who have also kindly gifted resources to the Ministry of Marine Resources, Tauranga Vananga and Emergency Management Cook Islands.

The rauti ribbons were cut by the dome project managers Mareta Angene and Teira (Pele) Teira, vice president for TMSA - Maru Willie, Secretary of Tauranga Vananga - Anthony Turua, Prime Minister Mark Brown, King’s Representative Sir Tom Marsters, the landowners, Tere Strickland and Temarama Anguna-Kamana.