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New Mangaia mayor Rani pledges service to community

Wednesday 18 September 2024 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in National, Outer Islands


New Mangaia mayor Rani pledges service to community
The new Island Government for Mangaia were sworn in and presented their warrants by Numangatini Tangitamaiti Ariki. Ngateina Rani, the new mayor for Mangaia, is seated in the middle. OFFICE PRIME MINISTER/24091602

Mangaia’s incoming Island Government members were sworn in during a special ceremony last week.

Numangatini Tangitamaiti Ariki presented the warrants of appointments to the council members: Mayor – Ngateina Rani, Tamarua Councillor – Ngaupoko Lorraine Metuakore, Karanga Councillor – Harris Tuarongonui Ngai, Tavaenga Councillor – Tutai Tutai Jnr, Veitatei Councillor – Maire Kareroa, and Keia Councillor – Mini Dean.

The Island Government, comprised of dedicated members chosen by its residents, is responsible for providing good, efficient and effective governance to the island.

In taking the oath, the newly elected mayor, Ngateina Rani, pledged to serving the people of Mangaia with diligence.

Mangaia, the second largest constituency in the Pa Enua with 321 registered voters, had 300 voters turning up to vote on the election day last month. Rani received 153 votes while former mayor Makitua Tutai had 147 after the final count.

The Ivirua constituency saw both candidates, Upokoongo Tairea and Oirimetua Uakino, receiving 19 votes each.  A vacancy now exists in this constituency and a date for a by-election will be set.

Mia Teaurima, director of Pa Enua Services at the Office of the Prime Minister, attended the swearing in event and urged the council to lead by example and to carry out their responsibilities diligently.

Poroa Arokapiti, Mangaia’s government representative, family and friends attended the significant occasion expressing their congratulations.

The Island Council’s duties include the delivery of public facilities and services in the best interest of the island community, and on behalf of national government.